Get to know more about MOTION PICTURE film

35 mm Motion picture film offers superior color, contrast, and fine grain, ideal for capturing rich, detailed images. Films like 250D, Double X, 50D, and 500T excel in various lighting conditions, providing a professional-grade look for your analogue photography.

250 D

The 250D is a daylight-balanced color negative film (5500K), ideal for shooting in natural lighting conditions. With high-quality emulsion, it offers excellent color reproduction, especially skin tones, and superior performance in scenes with shadow and highlight details. Its extended exposure latitude allows you to capture scenes with a wide range of light, from the darkest shadows to the brightest highlights.

  • ISO Rating: 250 (Daylight, 5500K)

  • Image Quality: Excellent color reproduction and skin tones, with reduced grain and greater definition in shadows.

  • Base: Acetate safety base with rem-jet backing.

  • Exposure: Ideal for daylight lighting, with the possibility of adapting for tungsten light (3200K) using the 80A filter.

  • Storage: Store unexposed film at 13°C (55°F) or lower for optimal preservation. Process exposed film promptly.

  • Darkroom Handling: Handle unprocessed film in total darkness to avoid damaging the emulsion.

  • Processing: ECN-2 (DO NOT USE MNILAB)


The Double-X 5222 is a high-speed, panchromatic black-and-white negative film suitable for general photography in both outdoor and studio environments. It performs well in low-light conditions, offering excellent depth of field without increasing the light levels. Known for its sharpness and superior image structure, this film is ideal for capturing detailed scenes.

  • ISO Rating: 200 (Tungsten 3200K), 250 (Daylight)

  • Image Quality: Excellent sharpness with fine grain

  • Base: Grey acetate safety base

  • Exposure: Well-suited for both tungsten and daylight exposure

  • Storage: Store unexposed film at 13°C (55°F) or lower for optimal preservation. Process exposed film promptly.

  • Darkroom Handling: Handle unprocessed film in total darkness; use a safelight filter if necessary.

  • Processing: Black and White.

For more information on the processing see the table for the Double-X - 5222.

50 D

The 50D is a low-speed, daylight-balanced color negative film (5500K) known for its pristine grain, sharpness, and superior detail. It excels in high-contrast daylight exteriors and is ideal for controlled lighting environments where fine grain and high definition are important. With unmatched highlight latitude and enhanced flexibility in post-production, it provides greater creative control, ensuring vibrant colors and detailed images in challenging lighting conditions.

  • ISO Rating: 50 (Daylight, 5500K), 12 (Tungsten, 3200K with 80A filter)

  • Image Quality: Finest grain, exceptional sharpness, and color reproduction; superior detail in both highlights and shadows.

  • Base: Acetate safety base with rem-jet backing.

  • Exposure: Ideal for daylight exposure. For tungsten light (3200K), use an 80A filter.

  • Storage: Store unexposed film at 13°C (55°F) or lower. For extended storage, store at -18°C (0°F) or lower. Process exposed film promptly.

  • Darkroom Handling: Handle unprocessed film in total darkness to avoid emulsion damage.

  • Processing: ECN-2 (DO NOT USE MNILAB)

500 T

The 500T is a tungsten-balanced color negative film (ISO 500, 3200K) designed for high-performance cinematography. It excels in controlled lighting, offering exceptional shadow detail and extended highlight latitude. With enhanced grain structure and precise digital color grading capabilities, this film ensures superior image quality and vibrant, true-to-life colors, even in challenging lighting conditions. It's a versatile choice for filmmakers and photographers seeking flexibility and outstanding color reproduction.

  • ISO Rating: 500 (Tungsten, 3200K), 320 (Daylight, 5500K with 85 filter)

  • Image Quality: Fine grain structure with excellent sharpness and color reproduction. Exceptional detail in both highlights and shadows.

  • Base: Acetate safety base with rem-jet backing.

  • Exposure: Ideal for tungsten light (3200K). For daylight (5500K), use an 85 filter.

  • Storage: Store unexposed film at 13°C (55°F) or lower. For extended storage, keep it at -18°C (0°F) or lower. Process exposed film promptly.

  • Darkroom Handling: Handle unprocessed film in total darkness to prevent emulsion damage and avoid contamination.

  • Processing: ECN-2 (DO NOT USE MNILAB)


  • 250D is ISO 250 and balanced for daylight, ideal for outdoor or well-lit interiors. 50D is ISO 50, also daylight balanced, with finer grain for bright outdoor settings. 500T is ISO 500, balanced for tungsten light, great for low-light or indoor shooting, and can be used in daylight with a filter. Double-X is black-and-white negative film with ISO 250 in daylight or 200 in tungsten, offering a classic cinematic look. Color negative films, like 250D, 50D, and 500T, are designed for color photography, while black-and-white negative films, like Double-X, capture images in monochrome with a wide tonal range.

  • Yes, our films are compatible with all standard 35mm cameras. Just make sure your camera can load and advance the film properly.

  • We don’t hide the origin of the films we sell. Our films are sourced directly from Kodak, ensuring top-notch quality and authenticity.

  • Remjet is a black anti-static layer found on some cinema films, like 250D, 50D and 500T. It helps prevent dust and static build-up during filming but must be removed during processing. This is why these films require a special processing method, like ECN-2, to ensure proper development and they cannot be developed in minilabs. Most labs today offer this process, so don’t worry.

  • You can have our films processed at any lab that supports ECN-2 or C-41 processing, depending on the film. Some specialized labs offer both options, or you can process them yourself with the right chemicals.

  • For our color films, the ECN-2 process is recommended for the best results. However, C-41 can also be used for color films, but it may affect the color balance and contrast. For black-and-white films like Double-X, traditional black-and-white processing is ideal.

  • The shelf life of our films depends on storage conditions, but they typically last for about 2 years when kept in a cool, dry place. For the best results, store them in a refrigerator or freezer to preserve their quality. Just make sure to allow the film to reach room temperature before loading it into your camera.

  • Each film has its unique look: 250D gives vibrant colors for daylight scenes, 50D offers fine grain and sharpness in bright conditions, 500T provides rich tones in low-light or tungsten settings, and Double-X delivers a classic, cinematic black-and-white look with a wide tonal range.

  • No, our films do not have DX coding. We use a variety of empty canisters sourced from different places, so we don’t apply DX codes. In point-and-shoot cameras, this means the camera will automatically set the ISO to 100. However, there's a way around this: you can apply a DX code found online to the canister to set the correct ISO.

*photos scanned with Fujifilm Digital Frontier Minilab.